Annual Dinner
We had 235 people attend our 52nd Annual Dinner at the Blue Mountain Golf Centre near Bracknell on Monday 3rd March. We were pleased to welcome Sandy Dawson, the Captain of the Royal & Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews and Ray Saunders the President of England Golf as our principle guests. Ray Saunders presented commemorative Plates to both Buckingham and Sonning Golf Clubs on the occasion of their Centenaries.
As usual the speeches were of a high order and the food and wine just as good. Our evening was rounded off by Roger Dakin who eloquently reminded us of the funnier aspects of our sporting world.

The President Duncan Forbes with his Guests, Roger Dakin, Ray Saunders and Sandy Dawson

The Captain, George Wilson, presents Ashley Walton (Frilford Heath) with the Captain’s Tankard for 2013

Jan Hubrecht presents Steven Stanhope with the Bodddington Trophy for 2013

Ray Saunders with Sonning Captain Marc Pamphilon

Ray Saunders with Buckingham President Neil Tanner