Derek Wilson
We are extremely sad to report the death of Derek Wilson on Friday 7th December 2018 after fighting illness for some months.
Derek was 59 year old and as well as being a Board Member of the BB&O he was Junior U14 Manager.
Derek was passionate about his role as Under 14 Manager and made a great contribution to the success of County junior golf. He was a member of Denham Golf Club where he was Captain in 2011 and served on the Board.
He had a wonderful sense of humour and was a superb after dinner speaker. Derek loved all things Yorkshire and in particular his beloved Hull City.
The funeral will be held on Friday 21st December 2018 at 4pm at the Chiltern Crematorium, Amersham.
The reception will be held afterwards at Denham Golf Club.
Our thoughts are with Diane, Tom, Fiona and Lucy.

Derek Wilson (1959 – 2018)