Half Year Council Meeting
The Half Yearly Council Meeting was held at East Berkshire GC on 19th Ocotber. There was a good audience of nearly 60 to hear the EGU CEO – John Petrie – give a presentation on the proposed merger between The English Golf Union and The English Women’s Golf Association. He outlined the benefits of the proposed merger and answered a number of questions from the floor. The President then asked those present if they were in favour of merger. The Clubs represented were unanimoulsy in favour of merger. The Secretary/Treasurer advised, at the end of the meeting, that he had also received 38 positive responses, 2 abstensions and one not in favour, from those Clubs who had sent apologies for non attendance. He also advised that the Executive Committee, 2 weeks earlier, had also supported the merger and in conclusion it was apparent that the President, as BB&O Voting Member, should vote in favour of the proposal at Woodhall Spa on 16th November. Once again the Club Represenatives present, endorsed this action.
The rest of the business of the Meeting was dealt with and then an excellent lunch was provided by the host Club and a number went out to play the Greensomes Foursomes competition, which was won by Peter Smith and Derek Andrews from Donnington Valley.

Peter Smith & Derek Andrews